Chelsea McCarthy, Annandale High School, 2008

Chelsea not only met, but exceeded all of the award criteria.  She played flute in Annandale High School's marching band for all four years and managed to fit in sports as well.  She was a swim team member for four years (team captain in her senior year) and played softball and soccer one season each, all the while maintaining a high level of academic achievement.  In addition to the scholastic criteria, Chelsea has many of the same striking qualities that resemble Jenny and make her so memorable. They both volunteered as tutors, volunteered at hospitals, worked on housing projects, participated in mission activities, played in a handbell choir, and went out of their way daily, many times unnoticed, to enrich the lives of others.

 It is an honor for Grace Presbyterian Church and our family to award Chelsea $1200 towards her tuition at George Mason University in the fall of 2008.